Naomi Makes 1


This past Saturday, we celebrated Naomi’s Birthday Party with a crawfish boil, good drinks, and the fanciest sweets anyone could eat according to her dad lol. I’ve been planning her party mentally since she was born, and went into full party planning in January. I tried not to pull my hair out as I’ve never planned anything like this, but I wanted it to be special for her.


This year has been a whirl wind if I had to be completely honest. It only feels like yesterday that the midwife handed her to me. She was two weeks late and snug as a rug inside. What I can tell you is that her personality hasn’t changed much. She is indeed a momma’s girl, shy but very silly, and, she does things on her own time, and when she’s confident, on her own in general. She wakes up every day talking with a smile on her face, and loves to be snuggled. Like the Pisces that she is, she is very sensitive and observant, and will watch you with her big almond eyes. Right now, she’s going through a phase of wanting to be independent, but only if she knows I’m within distance. She is curious and eager to touch anything she can get her hands on, and subsequently put in her mouth. She currently has 10 teeth, is capable of walking, can say “Eat”, “DaDa”, and “YaYa”. Her favorite song is “Apples and Bananas” and the ABCs. She loves to eat peas, oatmeal, potatoes, butternut squash and whatever is on my plate lol. She LOVES animals but is still struggling with the concept of petting gently lol.

Now that I have a toddler, I am looking forward to seeing her blossom into a kid. Stay tuned 😊